Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 8: Equity Issues

Although Caught in the Digital Divide is eight years old, the point that it makes about the widening gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not it. I agree with the suggestion that attitude has as much to do with the divide as economics. It’s about ignorance. As educators, we can change that from the bottom up. By utilizing technology in our lessons and showing the value to our students, they will grow up with a positive attitude toward technology. The initiative discussed in Community Technology Centers: A National Movement to Close the Digital Divide can help to bridge the economic barrier to technology; educators need to bridge the attitude barrier. We need to provide meaningful opportunities for students to use technology.


Cheryl Myers said...

You comment, "It’s about ignorance. As educators, we can change that from the bottom up. By utilizing technology in our lessons and showing the value to our students, they will grow up with a positive attitude toward technology." is perfect. If we could get all educators to feel this way maybe we wouldn't be in the position of forcing others to understand the importance of using technology. All it takes is a little bit of change and some people are so afraid of changing their ways.

Mr. Colcord's Blog said...

I agree that a teacher can electrify student interest in the use of technology in a manner that promotes learning. Even though some schools don't have full access to Smartboards, overheads, or other tech. tools, teachers can start with the basics and grow from there.