Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 6: The Internet: Surfing Safety

Unfortunately, as with many advances in inventions, people frequently find a way to pervert a good thing. In this instance, the good thing is the simplicity of searching the Web. Predators have found it easy to locate victims in cyber space. As a result, we must now teach our children how to be safe online just as we would teach them how to be safe on the streets. Safe Passage: Teaching Kids to be Safe and Responsible Online provided a portal to an interesting link, Jo Cool or Jo Fool, which allows 12-14-year-olds to test their surfing skills. It will be on my links list for the beginning of the school year. Child Safety on the Information Highway provides good guidelines for parents on how to monitor their child’s online use. However, I would also temper that with an article on the benefits of the Internet. Otherwise, some parental reactions might be to deny computer access altogether.


Erika said...

I am not a parent yet but I really feel for all parents out there who are trying to keep their children safe. It's tough to be a parent now days not only because of all the challenges they face but now they have one more thing to worry about: The Internet. It is true what you say Patti, now parents have to teach their children how to be safe online. I think that is why some parents don't have access to the internet in their home because of all the things that you hear in the news. Like you said: "a good thing now is a bad thing" for so many kids.

Mr. Colcord's Blog said...

I am an expecting parent and my wife and I have already started planning where we want to have our home computer located and how we are going to monitor for safety. I am really nervous, but feel that our early planning and training tutorials will help. :)